Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I sprained my ankle!!!

I know it’s been a while since I have blogged but, I wanted to make sure I had something good to write about. I am half way to my goal and just got over my plateau. Of course clumsy me decided to fall off the treadmill at the gym because I was in a hurry to get off. Note to self: remember to step off the treadmill when it is located back down from the incline position. I hope it’s just a sprain and nothing else is wrong. I have been doing the RICE method, so we will see if that helps.

I’m upset I don’t get to do any cardio for a while but, I guess crunches at home work.
Anyway, back to half way reaching my goal. Like I said earlier I needed to find something that was going to help me other than restricting certain foods and taking sugar, carbs, and fat out of my diet. Yes that will work for short –term but, its inevitable you gain it back. Well at least that’s what my research says.

I know people were telling me I could do this alone with out expensive diets and nutritionists but, the truth is that I am scared I will gain it all back plus some. I have done it before with the metabolic diet. I like Venice Nutrition because it teaches me how to balance my meals out for the day with eating the foods I love including mayonnaise.

My typical day starts off with a protein smoothie made with milk, strawberries, and bananas. Other foods are Turkey roll ups with avocado, chicken and cheese burrito, maybe cottage cheese with mixed berries, and then a nice dinner like bbq chicken pizza.

The great thing is that I can take the fatty foods I love and modify the ingredients to make it healthy. I now you’re thinking well it is a lot of cooking but, eating 5-6 times a day really helps your metabolism. You can bake your chicken for the whole week and shred it of cut it up and it will last the week. I usually take dinner leftovers for the next day as well. I like having lots of recipes to choose from. So far I started at 187 and I am now 162. I made it over my plateau and hopefully my sprained ankle won’t keep me from losing.

This whole picture on the internet is really scary for me and I can’t believe I actually said yes to this challenge. Not only did I grow up here but, I work here as well and what will my Co-workers think? They don’t know I am doing this! SShhhhh

I will be writing soon!