Friday, June 13, 2008

I lost (6lbs) (6bls) (6lbs) (6lbs) in one week

I lost (6lbs) (6bls) (6lbs) (6lbs) in one week. I’m so excited. I weighed myself this morning and the scale did not say “to be continued”. Thank you to everyone that has emailed me and commented with advice on how to change my life style. So far it’s working. I have been taking your advice and incorporating it into my everyday routine.

No trainer, No gym, and No expensive diet plan. I’ve done all these and have never lost 6lbs in one week. One thing I do have is great friends and support from everyone. I hope next week is the same results but, I promise I wont get discouraged and quit if its not. Besides I have a really embarrassing picture of myself in a “to small” Victoria Secret bikini on Tracey’s computer just waiting to go up in one year. No one wants to see that so the more advice you have the more chances you have to avoid that picture.

The thing I was unable to conquer is getting up in the morning and exercising. I’ve done it once on Monday but, oh my it’s such a pain in the ass. I’m trying to get addicted to working out so that my body just gets up and does it with out me having to open my eyes. Maybe one day right? I come home @ 6:30 and the first thing I do is put on my work out clothes and just do it Walking around the 3 buildings at work during my lunch break is so much more energizing then going to Taco Bell or Boston Market in traffic for an hour. If any of you see a girl that looks like she just rolled out of bed walking around your building over and over again peeking in every now and then, don’t be alarmed it’s just me trying to losing weight. Luckily I don’t have to dress up for work so it’s convenient to exercise at work. I learned some office exercises from a book called Keeping Fitness Simple by Porter Shimer. This book is absolutely great boredom material. I work with 3 guys so they pick on me for doing random lunges to the copy machine or water cooler.

Thanks again to everyone that has helped keep the motivation going and if you have any great low fat recipes please let me have a peek at them. My Friend and I are always looking for a good recipe. I still need some good exercise training as well, so I will be getting some DVDs that you recommended over the weekend.
Don’t forget Friday is weigh in day!



Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I've lost over 100lbs w/exercise and diet. I KNOW you can do it! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Good job!!! What kind of diet/food were you consuming each day? # of calories in a day? Great job with the walking and getting exercise! That's the hardest part for me! So keep up the hard work!!

Paula said...

Congratulations! May I give you some advice from experience?? In the beginning, when you first change your eating habits and start exercising the weight just comes off (typically). Part of it is water weight (so I've read) so I don't want you to get discouraged if it isn't that much next week. When you really start working out, you may start building muscle too which can make the number on the scale not go down and sometimes go up but please don't let this get you down either. Just know you're doing things to improve your health. Also don't focus too much on the scale .. try to find some other way to see that the weight is coming off. I suggest you measure your thighs, arms, butt, stomach and chest and after about a month do it again and you'll be amazed probably more than the scale. A great book to read is called "YOU - On a Diet" It's by Dr. Oz that is always on Oprah's show. It is the idiot's guide to your body and explains why things work the way they do in your body, and what you need to do to lose weight. I just loved it. I truly wish you the best of luck. I am doing this right along with you so you have to keep it up to help keep me motivated!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I dont know how to email you so Ill just leave it here...a really good recipe is mexican baked get boneless skinlees chicken breast...(I guess you could use any chicken youd like) pound it out (it also helps aggression :) ) after youve pounded it put some taco seasoning all over it and let it sit in the fridge for a while (i dont think time really matters I usually do it the night before) then put salsa on it and bake it on 375 for 45 minutes (if your doing low carb its good if you put cheddar cheese on it 5 minutes before you take it out of the oven) and make some like stir fry veggies with it and cauliflower mashed potatoes (you can get the recippe all over the internet)...anywho its a great comfort meal with very low fat. I eat it a few times a week and ive lost 60 pounds so far this year. Good Luck on your journey!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you!! You are doing great!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good job Criddle! You can do it! Love ya!


Anonymous said...

A great shake for breakfast:

1 cup 1% or skim milk
1 tbsp. of smuckers natural peanut butter
1 medium banana
1 squeeze of honey
6 ice cubes

Blend it all up in a is delicious and keeps you satisfied for a long time.

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for an inexpensive trainer, try She teaches you to be self sufficient and she works exclusively with women. Also, a plus for me is that she charges by the visit, not the hour like most people!

Anonymous said...

If you want to get a good "feel" for just how much you have lost so far, go by the grocery store and pick up a 5 lb bag of sugar. Then think about that 5 lbs + being weight you had carried around on your body just a week ago! It's amazing to lift that bag and realize that you USED to have that weight on your butt or your tummy!! Then, when you get those next 4 lbs off, go by and hold a bag of suger in each hand - WOW!!

Good job!!

Anonymous said...

I am also trying to lose weight. I've changed my eating habits and have lost 20 pounds since I started March 21st. I have to remind myself that the weight did not pack on overnight, and it will take time to get it back off. I tried the above mentioned chicken w/ taco seasoning and salsa last night. OMG!!! It is SOOO good!!! I didn't cook the chicken for quite so long...I did 350 for 25 mins. Very tender and juicy. Hubby even loved it too! Thanks for sharing your journey with everyone! It's great to see so much inspiration from so many people! Keep a positive outlook and you'll get the results you're looking for!

Anonymous said...

I, too, am on a weight loss journey. One piece of advice that worked for me was to make weigh in day a Monday. You see, I started with it on Friday... but then... it was the weekend and I had just lost 6lbs... so I "deserved" that ice cream cone or that mexican dinner. Besides... its the weekend! Moving the Weigh Day to Monday eliminated all of that and kept me accountable, even on the weekends.
Just a tip that might work for you too!

Also, as a collector of bumper stickers, I wanted to share one of my favorites with you: "I replcaed my non-existent sex life with food. Now even I can't get into my pants"

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if anyone has already suggested this to you or not, but maybe keep a picture of yourself in that bikini on your fridge, or anywhere you keep munchies.

I congratulate you on your progress thus far. I think just making the commitment to lose the weight is the first major hurdle to conquer.

Unknown said...

Hey I just wanted to say congrats and I wish you luck. I also wanted to let you know about a website. It is called I love this website. It gives you quick, easy and healthy recipes to make with all of the nutritional information, Tons of work out programs, A food journal and so much more. And the best part is that it is free. All you have to do is go on the website and sign up for their work out challenge and that is all. They even send you emails to remind you and inspire you. Check it out I think you would really like it. Well keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Keep it up! I hade my son in 2006 and have put on close to 100 pounds in my pregnancy. When I started I was 140, when I went in to labor 222 even. After I had him I was 194 today I am 140 once again. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, eat small portions through out the day. Cut out soda and carbs ( potatoes, rice, pasta, bread) and it will be really easy. I see you are walking now but if you can train your self to start running soon pounds will start sheding even faster, plus running is good for EVERY part of you body, chest, arms, abs, but, thighs everything and a big plus you will wake up in the morning with a lot of energy. Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

I am truly inspired by you! Please keep it up and show everyone what you can do!